Non-Invasive Laser Eyebrow Lifting
- Forehead eyebrow elevation
- Eyelid tightening
- Natural-looking results
- Non-invasive procedure
- No downtime
VectorLift® is an innovative solution for non-invasive eyebrow lifting and upper eyelid rejuvenation. This unique 3-step protocol provides an enhancement of peri-ocular and brow aesthetics via elevation of the eyebrow tail and tightening of the upper eyelids. VectorLift® provides the optimal balance between immediate tissue tightening (superficial contraction), new collagen formation (long-term rejuvenation) and the use of fluences that are comfortable for the patient while creating no unwanted side effects. This protocol is comfortable and non-aggressive, allowing patients to return immediately to their normal routines.
How does the VectorLift® treatment work?
VectorLift® is a 3-step procedure that extends the total treatment area to maximize lifting vectors by combining forehead eyebrow elevation, eyelid tightening and scalp tightening.
The depth of penetration with VectorLift® is especially favorable for facial treatments as it preserves subcutaneous fat, which is vital for facial integrity. Using low fluences and a hyperstacking protocol produces deeper collagen growth for enhanced tightening while also providing a comfortable experience for the patient by delivering a gradual heat increase.
Advantages of Fotona SMOOTH® Mode
VectorLift® is based on the revolutionary Fotona SMOOTH® mode pulse technology, which has a proven record as a powerful and effective solution for heating and stimulating the renewal of superficial as well as deeper collagen using a patented pulse modality. The innovative FotonaSMOOTH® mode treats the skin in a smooth, almost “feather-like” non-ablative manner, without bleeding and with precisely controlled temperature deposition. The optical energy is delivered in a unique, sub-second long pulse sequence which prevents temperature build-up at the surface and achieves homogeneous heating within several hundred micrometers of the tissue.
Scientific & Clinical Research Library
Er:YAG Treatment for Eyebrow Tail Elevation and Eyelid Rejuvenation using the Fotona VectorLift Technique with SMOOTH Mode Hyperstacking. Adrian Gaspar, MD. J LA&HA – J Laser Health Acad 2021; 2021(1):CN23. Read Full Text.
Periocular rejuvenation using a unique non-ablative long-pulse 2940 nm Er:YAG laser. Ashraf Badawi, Tarek Sobeih, Jasmina Vesel. J LA&HA – Lasers Med Sci (2021). Read Full Text.
Dual Tissue Regeneration: Non-Ablative Resurfacing of Soft Tissues with FotonaSmooth® Mode Er:YAG Laser. Matjaz Lukac, Adrian Gaspar, Franci Bajd. J LA&HA – J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):01-15. Read Full Text.
* Certain applications discussed in this scientific literature may not yet be cleared by the FDA.
Additional Resources: visit the Laser and Health Academy* website for additional information about medical laser treatments that can be performed with Fotona laser systems.