The Dimensional Facelift, the Natural and Non-Invasive Method with Laser Technology

Go under the Laser, not the Knife.


We all hear the stories of going under the knife to keep our face looking the age we feel inside. These surgical facelifts are a tedious and painful event and the process can take a long time to recover; all with a chance of an undesirable result. Those days are over. With advancement in laser technology today you can not only get a facelift, but a multidimensional facelift that is non-surgical and looks more natural than its predecessor. Meet the Fotona4D® Facelift.



The benefits of choosing Fotona4D’s revolutionary treatment:

  • Tightening and volumization without the need for fillers or toxins
  • A full lifting treatment from the inside out
  • Immediate rejuvenation, tightening and glow
  • Improved skin complexion
  • Little or no downtime
  • No surgery, needles or anesthesia



The Fotona4D® treatment provides the best of all worlds. The process is non-surgical, non-invasive, and makes your face look rejuvenated naturally. Fotona’s complementary Er:YAG and Nd:YAG wavelengths are synergistically applied in 4 different modes: SMOOTH®, FRAC3®, PIANO® and SupErficial™ to work on deeper, medial and superficial connective structures of the skin, while simultaneously targeting different skin imperfections. Multiple treatment modalities range from the 2-dimensional TwinLight® procedure to the 4-dimensional Fotona4D® procedure. Fotona’s 4D laser treatment enables full-thickness contraction of collagen for persistent, low-downtime tightening and volumization (wrinkle reduction) without injectables. Combining these 4 unique modes and two complementary wavelengths results in a respectable “SmoothLiftin” treatment.


Everyday we make efforts to be healthier and happier in a more natural way. Now you can do that with your facelift by choosing Fotona4D’s Laser treatment. Give your face the youth and appearance it deserves to look like, the way you feel on the inside. By providing 4 dimensional ways to rejuvenate the skin, from what you see to its deepest layers, you can rest assured that it will provide you with a long lasting appearance that you will love and enjoy!

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